Using the Mind is a Good Thing


I enjoyed this chat with Ron Purser on the Mindful Cranks podcast. 🎧

As Ron explains in the intro, we worked together on his book McMindfulness, and first met to discuss ideas for my MA dissertation on a similar topic.

To quote the show notes:

“Our conversation dives deep into the complex and patchy history of yoga, swimming through early, classical and hatha yoga – along with some interesting observations on modern yoga, including whether Silent Disco Yoga is a thing! Kidding aside, this is a serious conversation – and I learned a great deal, especially just how fertile the soil was when the yogic traditions were taking hold – and the creative cross-fertilization between classical yoga traditions and the Buddhists at the time.”

It’s a good introduction to The Truth of Yoga, with digressions on corporate news and playing jazz. You can find the podcast on all major platforms, or on this site.

For more about the book, visit: