Hosted by the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

How Modern Practice Evolved

I'm excited to be offering this course, which is a comprehensive guide to contemporary yoga and its origins.

Whether you’re a teacher, a curious practitioner or just interested in history, it’s an overview of all the most important themes with lots of fascinating details.

Among other topics, we explore in depth where postures come from, the role of female practitioners and contextual influences from politics to science.

A detailed introduction is available below, providing a taste of what we cover. Accompanying notes can be downloaded here.

The course runs for almost two months, and it’s available to study on-demand, with an online forum for asking questions at any time.

An hour-long video is released each week with supplementary notes. There are also some live Q&As on Zoom throughout the term, which are recorded to watch again later if times aren’t convenient.

You can find out more here – or click the button below to enrol.

Introductory Video

Click the arrow below to view. Also available on YouTube.